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How to pick up my store from Full

We bring you everything you need to know to pick up or discard stock from our warehouse.

If you have products at Full that are not suitable to be sold or that are not selling as expected and are generating old stock fees, you can choose to pick them up or discard them from the warehouse from Stock control.


1. Select the products

2. Choose whether you want to pick up or discard products

If you choose to pick up stock 

If you choose to pick up the stock, at Full we will prepare it and a carrier will deliver it to your home.

  • Fill in how many units you want to pick up

When you choose the number of units suitable for sale, we will add the not suitable units to your pickup to avoid the old stock fees that these units could generate.


  • Inform the address where you want to receive them

We will make 2 delivery attempts to the address of your choice. If we do not find you, the stock will be returned to the warehouse and we will notify you when they have arrived so that you can request a reshipment.


Once the units have been dispatched, you will be able to follow the status of the shipping from the Created pickups Full section.

Once the pick up is confirmed, your units will be removed from sale and will no longer generate old stock fees.


If you choose Mercado Libre to discard your stock

When you choose to discard your stock, we will arrange to send it to non-profit organizations, recycling or destruction, depending on the condition of each product.

  • Fill in how many units you want to discard

By choosing the number of available units you want to discard you will be able to see the discard fees.

Once you confirm the discard, the units will be removed from sale and will no longer generate old stock fees. In addition, we will start preparing your products to discard them from the warehouse, so you will not be able to cancel the action.


Pick up and discard fees 

Pickup and discard fees are based on the operational cost of preparing your products and sending them to your address. The fee is calculated by the total volume of stock and the greater the volume, the greater the discount per cubic meter. Therefore, we recommend you to add in a single pickup or discard all the units that you know you are not going to sell or do not sell as you expected.

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