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What are the benefits of the datasheet?

Completing the datasheet of your listings is important to create a better experience for your buyers. This means more sales.

We know it sometimes can be a difficult task because you have to complete very specific data, but we will tell you why it is worth doing it.


Greater exposure

Listings with a complete datasheet rank higher in the search results. Therefore, buyers will find what they are looking for before and they will see listings with all the details about what you are selling.

Search filters

There are different search filters related to each feature of your products so buyers can find what they are looking for more quickly. If your listings don’t have complete specifications or features, you will never appear on those lists.

As you enter the complete datasheet of your listings, we will create new filters so it’s easier for your buyers to find you.

For example, we know some buyers prefer certain brands to other brands, so there’s a brand filter. By clicking a certain brand, a list of products whose buyers completed that data on the datasheet will be shown.

If buyers want to be more specific about their purchase, there are more filters. Because it’s not the same to buy a camera with a short-range lens than a long-range lens, and it’s not the same to buy a washer machine than a washer-dryer.

Fewer questions

The more information on your listing, the fewer questions you will get. Everything will be found on the same place and buyers won’t have to look for it on the description. This will enable faster sales, without going back and forth, and of course, a much more agile process.

Better listings

When your buyers do a search, they will see certain features of your products without having to go into the listing, this is more attractive and informative.

Products with a complete datasheet will look like this:

Autocomplete data

The data we ask for is just a tiny part of the whole datasheet your listing needs,
Completing them allows us to know your product to identify it.

By entering all the data, we can automatically improve the information of your listings and complete data for you to make your listing more attractive. Sounds nice, doesn’t it?

You may see some of these benefits in the short term in your account, others may take more time. each new data will help us improve your experience on mercado libre, so if you take the first steps, we will follow that road.

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