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When to request a reputation exclusion review

Buyers in Mercado Libre are entitled to make a complaint in case they consider something went wrong with a purchase. As a seller, you should address these complaints and close them to maintain a good reputation.

Bear in mind that not every complaint you receive has an impact on your reputation. If you received a complaint that affects your reputation and you consider it should be double checked by us, you can request a reputation exclusion review.

Keep in mind all complaints must be closed before requesting an exclusion review.

When not to request an exclusion

» When the complaint is open.

» The product is defective or different from the listed one.

» The buyer claims the product is fake. Remember to be explicit about what you are selling.

» The buyer received less products or with fewer parts than advertised.

» The complaint is not related with the seller or the product but with Mercado Libre.

» The buyer didn’t receive the product because it wasn’t shipped, shipped out of time or out of stock.

» The seller did not reply to the buyer’s messages within the established timeframe (72 business hours for Global Selling users).

» The order was not sent in a long time and was automatically canceled by Mercado Libre.

When to request an exclusion

» The buyer initiated the complaint by mistake.

» The buyer does not recognize the purchase.

» The buyer claims to have not received the product even though it appears as delivered.

» The buyer regrets the purchase even though the product is in perfect condition.

» The buyer used the complaint as a means of contact.

» The buyer initiates a complaint for delays in the mail or problems with Mercado Envíos, however, the dispatch time is within the established period (applicable to all shipping methods).

» The complaint is associated with a problem that’s affecting Mercado Libre’s platform globally.

» The complaint was initiated by competition or revenge.

» It is still within the established period to reply the message (8 working hours from the first contact of the buyer).

» The buyer wants to change the product (such as auto parts, clothing, bags or shoes) for another size or style.

» In case of an unauthorized access to the account, fraudulent transactions, or an incorrect suspension by Mercado Libre.


Have in mind...

» The only enabled channel to process your complaint review is the help widget, located at the right side of your orders (dotted menu > I need help).

» There is no need to request a review if the complaint does not correspond to the period of time when we measured your reputation.

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