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From where you can manage your stock Full

In "Stock Management Full" you will find different tools and recommendations to manage your stock and plan shipments and pickups.

Whitin “Listings” you will find the “Stock management Full” section where you can plan shipments and pickups, track and solve problems with your stored stock, and also control its stock time.


"Shipment planning” section

In this section you will find the information and tools you need to define which products and how many units to send to Full. You will also be able to follow our recommendations to help you cover sales, avoid extra fees and boost your business.

“Stock control” section

Here you will be able to check and control the units of all your products as well as make decisions to send, replenish and/or pick up stock. 

You will also have reports available to download that will help you check the status of your units, follow up on their movements and control your daily storage fees.

“Stock not up for sale” section 

This section groups all your units that are currently not up for sale for different reasons. You will find information and suggestions to solve the problems of each unit and remove those that are not suitable, to avoid unsold stock that could generate old stock fees.

“Stock Time” section 

In this section you can check how long the units have been stored in the warehouse. This way, you will be able to identify which products you are selling less than expected and change their conditions to accelerate your sales.

“Old stock fees” section 

From this section you will see detailed one month in advance how much you would pay for your stored units if you do not sell or pick them up.

Follow our recommendations to get the most out of your stock at Full!

Manage your stock at Full to make sure all your units are up for sale and not pay old stock fees.

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